Sunday, March 28, 2010

Yukichidori~Snowy Day-A Small Little Chit-chat between Aizen and Gin


"Snow". Meltin' 'n evaporatin', only ter become snow er rain again ta be smashed inta derground. Again 'n again. Evaporatin' 'n repeatin' that fer eternity...

If we take it as someone's remains, thinkin' dat ya were finally able ta get away from this world, but ya relapsed 'n, on top of it all, from now on, no matter how ya struggle, ya won't be able ta escape

Somethin' like this...

..." hell"


"After dying, becoming snow or rain, and being once again tied to this world, maybe it isn't so bad, is what I've been thinking.

For example,

"If there was a person for whom death was inevitable, instead of suddenly leaving their beloved, wouldn't you say it's better to be able to remain in the same world as them? Instead of a complete separation, for the departed it becomes a tender reality.

For me as well, if...

...I lose this body in some accident, even if I were become to snow...

or change into rain drops,

if I were just able to gently touch your face, without a doubt, that's how I'd feel."


"Well, if I say this, I'm not sure if ya'll be glad or not. But like ya said a while ago, if ya dies before me, "there's no way I'd be at peace"

With that purpose in my mind, I'll always stay close ta ya"


"Then... do you plan on becoming my shield or something?"


"Who knows? I dunno if I'll be able ta become somethin' so splendid. But is it's fer ya, I don't care if my bones won't be left. If at least some tiny part remains 'n ya pick it up, then I'll be happy.

"If it's ya, then definitly...

...even if I'm smaller than a snowflake, if I become like a grain of sand...

"...ya'll notice that it's me, won't ya?"


I didn't intend... to be loved by this guys so damn crazy...

It's just...'s just...

...that this world is one where you can, for instance, freely say,

"Even if you return once again, I won't mind."


The worst feeling is not death, it is knowing that you aren't needed, that you are alone in this world, and that you no longer have a reason to live

(Disclaimer: I have such a word from Doujinshi, tough)

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