Saturday, April 10, 2010 -EXPIRED

With this, I announce that domain has expired. Yes, that famous and well-known domain for shoutbox has expired, exactly at April 7th 2010, 05.54 am. I realized this when I found my blog so suddenly get error and when I opened my blog, my browser redirecting me to the other site, and there was no back linkfor me.

Scary of this, (I first thought that my blog get some virus or malware or something from my gadgets, but I didn't believe it because I've checked all my HTML link (for widgets, for template and so so) and found nothing wrong, so that was impossible) then I changed my computer to the slower one and carefully saw from what part my blog stopped loading and redirected to that damn another link.

And I found it. It changed (always) right after "Tell me anything~" part.

Then the problem must be from and... I was rite. When I opened that site, I found an unbelievable fact. That the site has expired. HA! How can that so-damn-big site expired? As what I read in ****'s book, there were some cases when the owner of the domain forgot to lengthen its domain. But still... I can't believe it!

How do the other users of shoutbox from'll think about their site that so suddenly got error? Especially if they didn't understand IT at all?

Then it must be the end of them. So,if you use a shoutbox from in your blog, you'd better remove it until the owner of that site lengthen it. Yeaaah... I hope ASAP.

From the very beginning, I was very angry about this and planned a not-funny-one thing, maybe I should declare it to people in bugtraq? You could imagine how much blog will get hacked if they realized this. Hell yah! You just should renew or take that domain and... ta-dah! You get acces for each blog who use your domain. But my mommy avoid me, she said that I aren't allowed to playing around carelessly. Hm, this one is some of many things that will happened if you've a talk active mommy who get S1 in computer major. Annoying. Now I change my shoubox from to shout mix. No prob, It's nothing.

It just a sharing for you. It wasn't related to anime nor manga, but I think I should tell you this~

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Friday, April 9, 2010

Me, My self

Hello, my name is Sonia Ayu Islami, and (maybe that information is enough for ya’ because it’s taboo for me to open my identity to public (especially in Internet). Sorry my friends!

I make this blog for give ya’ the recommendation about anime and manga world. And also, for my practice examination. Maybe that’s enough, really… I hate opening my identity!

But if you would like to be my friend, just open my account in or as “hiruma_kuchiki”, in some game online sites or as “anestesia”, as “I-love-ya”, facebook as “Sonia ‘gloomietta’ anetesia”, and many more! Please add me or you can just ask me in shout-box. Sorry I deleted my comment-box because there were some bad comments (SPAM) happened in sites of yaoi-lovers. So I write in the beginning of my site, that “THIS SITE ISN’T FOR YAOI HATERS”.

Thank a lot of reading my blog, mangafox and facebook members~! (I promote my site in MF and FB) I’m so happy looking that there was a couples of hundreds in my counter widget. Thanks all~!

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Akanishi Jin-Will be get out from Kat-tun?!

Just as declared in March 2010, that Akanishi Jin (25), as a personel of japanesse boyband, Kat-tun will pass his time in US for his solo career. So with that he won't take participate in Asia Kat-tun tour that will be held soon.

And, not just that because Jin has issued that he will be absent from the next Kat-tun single, Going that will be released in 2010 May 12th . That single's recorded in the end of March, as well as the announcement that Jin would held his solo concert in US. Because of his absence from Asian Tour Kat-tun Concert, so it's decided that the single will be recorded by just the five left.

Even Kat-tun management, Johnny Jimusho disagreed with that argument, but the speculation that Akanishi Jin will leave that boyband, want or don't get more attention from public becouse he absent from the single Going. Jis himselves's supposed will stay in US until his visa expired at Octobre 2010. But no one know what he will do after that.

Some imformant even said that probably Akanishi Jin'll stay in US for long time. The truth of that news hasn't been known yet. But surely, Jin will take days-off from Kat-tun for a long time although he hasn't got out from Kat-tun yet.

While Jin in US, he will has three concerts in LA and maybe in California, but he'll consider to have a show in the some clubs because he got some offering for it.


Translator (Me and Win-chan) comment:

Me: OH DAMN GOD!!! IS IT A BULLSHIT OR SOMETHING!!! It's not funny, dontcha know! How can MY BELOVED Akanishi Jin get out from Kat-tun? Maybe, I'll commit suicide with other Kat-tun fans if he really get out. Just c soon... Uffufufufufu... *devil laugh*

Win-chan: *speechless, kick Jinjin away* I don't know how about my feeling now. I'm sick of him.

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Sunday, April 4, 2010

An old hag feelings towards A darkey demon

A demon whispering, got out little by little deeply from your grinned lips
...overflowed, sneak in to my ears

I wanted to let go...
...but I couldn't

I wanted to run away...
...but I couldn't

You grabbed my back so hard. You're not a gentle one, babe
...but I didn't mind at all. "It's you, then it's okay"

Why couldn't I do anything that time?
You just used me, I was being used. "It's you, then it's okay"

Why couldn't I refuse anything you ask?
You just fooled me. I was being fooled. "It's you, then it's okay"

My body acted on its own, babe

When you asked to have my whole body,
my mouth do nothing but answered "I'm yours," quietly

When you started to ask me by one after another -all my secrets,
my mind do nothing but opened "All for you" slowly

But now, babe

Have you known? I'm dead. I'm killed by your ally, babe

When you're not on my side
...far, far away

Brought my everything one by one to afterworld

Have you got it? All you need? With my everything included to disappear?

My body still acted on its own, babe

My heart keep telling me, "It's you, then it's okay"

Is it always this hard to be loved?

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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Picfiction-Junjou Romantica

Misaki love Usagi


"What did you say?"
"I just said that I love you"
"Is it a mistake from my ears?"
"It's true, I love you"
"Jerk!!! Do you think you can do everything on your own?"
"It's for you, yes I do. I love you"
"Stop saying that digusting words!"
"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you"
"It won't change the amount of your love even you say it again and again"
"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you"
"Geez... Why do you still keep whispering that way? I believe I have said that saying "I love you" won't change anything!"
"It won't change the amount-It just make the love deeper"
"Stop bullshitting me"
"Why can't you tell the truth about yourself?"
"What do you mean?"
"You never confess anything about your feeling towards me"
"Why should I do that, anyway?"
"Do you love me?"
"Oh, the DAMN time! GTG now!"
"Face me, tell me even once, Misaki"
"What the-"
"Do you hate me that hard?"
"No, no, I'm never think that wa-"
"Do you dislike me, really really dislike me?"
"I, I..."
"I know from the very beginning. So you ar-"
"OK! I love you!"
"I finaly said it, right? Now let me leave!"

...(Next Day)...

"Tell me again, tell me what you said earlier~!"
"Like I wanna!"
"Uu... Please..."
Tha-dumb! Tha-dumb! Tha-dumb! *heart beating* "How can I say that embarasing word again?!"
"But I relieved..."
"You scare me that much to losing you, you know?"

"Just trust me! I won't ever leave you! Got it?!"
"Trust... you?"
"I mean... just... just... trust... me... is... it... okay for you?"

p.s. Picfiction is a joke for fanfiction. Hell yah, those characters belong to their author, not me.

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