Saturday, April 10, 2010 -EXPIRED

With this, I announce that domain has expired. Yes, that famous and well-known domain for shoutbox has expired, exactly at April 7th 2010, 05.54 am. I realized this when I found my blog so suddenly get error and when I opened my blog, my browser redirecting me to the other site, and there was no back linkfor me.

Scary of this, (I first thought that my blog get some virus or malware or something from my gadgets, but I didn't believe it because I've checked all my HTML link (for widgets, for template and so so) and found nothing wrong, so that was impossible) then I changed my computer to the slower one and carefully saw from what part my blog stopped loading and redirected to that damn another link.

And I found it. It changed (always) right after "Tell me anything~" part.

Then the problem must be from and... I was rite. When I opened that site, I found an unbelievable fact. That the site has expired. HA! How can that so-damn-big site expired? As what I read in ****'s book, there were some cases when the owner of the domain forgot to lengthen its domain. But still... I can't believe it!

How do the other users of shoutbox from'll think about their site that so suddenly got error? Especially if they didn't understand IT at all?

Then it must be the end of them. So,if you use a shoutbox from in your blog, you'd better remove it until the owner of that site lengthen it. Yeaaah... I hope ASAP.

From the very beginning, I was very angry about this and planned a not-funny-one thing, maybe I should declare it to people in bugtraq? You could imagine how much blog will get hacked if they realized this. Hell yah! You just should renew or take that domain and... ta-dah! You get acces for each blog who use your domain. But my mommy avoid me, she said that I aren't allowed to playing around carelessly. Hm, this one is some of many things that will happened if you've a talk active mommy who get S1 in computer major. Annoying. Now I change my shoubox from to shout mix. No prob, It's nothing.

It just a sharing for you. It wasn't related to anime nor manga, but I think I should tell you this~

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