Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Akanishi Jin-Will be get out from Kat-tun?!

Just as declared in March 2010, that Akanishi Jin (25), as a personel of japanesse boyband, Kat-tun will pass his time in US for his solo career. So with that he won't take participate in Asia Kat-tun tour that will be held soon.

And, not just that because Jin has issued that he will be absent from the next Kat-tun single, Going that will be released in 2010 May 12th . That single's recorded in the end of March, as well as the announcement that Jin would held his solo concert in US. Because of his absence from Asian Tour Kat-tun Concert, so it's decided that the single will be recorded by just the five left.

Even Kat-tun management, Johnny Jimusho disagreed with that argument, but the speculation that Akanishi Jin will leave that boyband, want or don't get more attention from public becouse he absent from the single Going. Jis himselves's supposed will stay in US until his visa expired at Octobre 2010. But no one know what he will do after that.

Some imformant even said that probably Akanishi Jin'll stay in US for long time. The truth of that news hasn't been known yet. But surely, Jin will take days-off from Kat-tun for a long time although he hasn't got out from Kat-tun yet.

While Jin in US, he will has three concerts in LA and maybe in California, but he'll consider to have a show in the some clubs because he got some offering for it.


Translator (Me and Win-chan) comment:

Me: OH DAMN GOD!!! IS IT A BULLSHIT OR SOMETHING!!! It's not funny, dontcha know! How can MY BELOVED Akanishi Jin get out from Kat-tun? Maybe, I'll commit suicide with other Kat-tun fans if he really get out. Just c soon... Uffufufufufu... *devil laugh*

Win-chan: *speechless, kick Jinjin away* I don't know how about my feeling now. I'm sick of him.

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