Saturday, April 10, 2010 -EXPIRED

With this, I announce that domain has expired. Yes, that famous and well-known domain for shoutbox has expired, exactly at April 7th 2010, 05.54 am. I realized this when I found my blog so suddenly get error and when I opened my blog, my browser redirecting me to the other site, and there was no back linkfor me.

Scary of this, (I first thought that my blog get some virus or malware or something from my gadgets, but I didn't believe it because I've checked all my HTML link (for widgets, for template and so so) and found nothing wrong, so that was impossible) then I changed my computer to the slower one and carefully saw from what part my blog stopped loading and redirected to that damn another link.

And I found it. It changed (always) right after "Tell me anything~" part.

Then the problem must be from and... I was rite. When I opened that site, I found an unbelievable fact. That the site has expired. HA! How can that so-damn-big site expired? As what I read in ****'s book, there were some cases when the owner of the domain forgot to lengthen its domain. But still... I can't believe it!

How do the other users of shoutbox from'll think about their site that so suddenly got error? Especially if they didn't understand IT at all?

Then it must be the end of them. So,if you use a shoutbox from in your blog, you'd better remove it until the owner of that site lengthen it. Yeaaah... I hope ASAP.

From the very beginning, I was very angry about this and planned a not-funny-one thing, maybe I should declare it to people in bugtraq? You could imagine how much blog will get hacked if they realized this. Hell yah! You just should renew or take that domain and... ta-dah! You get acces for each blog who use your domain. But my mommy avoid me, she said that I aren't allowed to playing around carelessly. Hm, this one is some of many things that will happened if you've a talk active mommy who get S1 in computer major. Annoying. Now I change my shoubox from to shout mix. No prob, It's nothing.

It just a sharing for you. It wasn't related to anime nor manga, but I think I should tell you this~

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Friday, April 9, 2010

Me, My self

Hello, my name is Sonia Ayu Islami, and (maybe that information is enough for ya’ because it’s taboo for me to open my identity to public (especially in Internet). Sorry my friends!

I make this blog for give ya’ the recommendation about anime and manga world. And also, for my practice examination. Maybe that’s enough, really… I hate opening my identity!

But if you would like to be my friend, just open my account in or as “hiruma_kuchiki”, in some game online sites or as “anestesia”, as “I-love-ya”, facebook as “Sonia ‘gloomietta’ anetesia”, and many more! Please add me or you can just ask me in shout-box. Sorry I deleted my comment-box because there were some bad comments (SPAM) happened in sites of yaoi-lovers. So I write in the beginning of my site, that “THIS SITE ISN’T FOR YAOI HATERS”.

Thank a lot of reading my blog, mangafox and facebook members~! (I promote my site in MF and FB) I’m so happy looking that there was a couples of hundreds in my counter widget. Thanks all~!

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Akanishi Jin-Will be get out from Kat-tun?!

Just as declared in March 2010, that Akanishi Jin (25), as a personel of japanesse boyband, Kat-tun will pass his time in US for his solo career. So with that he won't take participate in Asia Kat-tun tour that will be held soon.

And, not just that because Jin has issued that he will be absent from the next Kat-tun single, Going that will be released in 2010 May 12th . That single's recorded in the end of March, as well as the announcement that Jin would held his solo concert in US. Because of his absence from Asian Tour Kat-tun Concert, so it's decided that the single will be recorded by just the five left.

Even Kat-tun management, Johnny Jimusho disagreed with that argument, but the speculation that Akanishi Jin will leave that boyband, want or don't get more attention from public becouse he absent from the single Going. Jis himselves's supposed will stay in US until his visa expired at Octobre 2010. But no one know what he will do after that.

Some imformant even said that probably Akanishi Jin'll stay in US for long time. The truth of that news hasn't been known yet. But surely, Jin will take days-off from Kat-tun for a long time although he hasn't got out from Kat-tun yet.

While Jin in US, he will has three concerts in LA and maybe in California, but he'll consider to have a show in the some clubs because he got some offering for it.


Translator (Me and Win-chan) comment:

Me: OH DAMN GOD!!! IS IT A BULLSHIT OR SOMETHING!!! It's not funny, dontcha know! How can MY BELOVED Akanishi Jin get out from Kat-tun? Maybe, I'll commit suicide with other Kat-tun fans if he really get out. Just c soon... Uffufufufufu... *devil laugh*

Win-chan: *speechless, kick Jinjin away* I don't know how about my feeling now. I'm sick of him.

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Sunday, April 4, 2010

An old hag feelings towards A darkey demon

A demon whispering, got out little by little deeply from your grinned lips
...overflowed, sneak in to my ears

I wanted to let go...
...but I couldn't

I wanted to run away...
...but I couldn't

You grabbed my back so hard. You're not a gentle one, babe
...but I didn't mind at all. "It's you, then it's okay"

Why couldn't I do anything that time?
You just used me, I was being used. "It's you, then it's okay"

Why couldn't I refuse anything you ask?
You just fooled me. I was being fooled. "It's you, then it's okay"

My body acted on its own, babe

When you asked to have my whole body,
my mouth do nothing but answered "I'm yours," quietly

When you started to ask me by one after another -all my secrets,
my mind do nothing but opened "All for you" slowly

But now, babe

Have you known? I'm dead. I'm killed by your ally, babe

When you're not on my side
...far, far away

Brought my everything one by one to afterworld

Have you got it? All you need? With my everything included to disappear?

My body still acted on its own, babe

My heart keep telling me, "It's you, then it's okay"

Is it always this hard to be loved?

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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Picfiction-Junjou Romantica

Misaki love Usagi


"What did you say?"
"I just said that I love you"
"Is it a mistake from my ears?"
"It's true, I love you"
"Jerk!!! Do you think you can do everything on your own?"
"It's for you, yes I do. I love you"
"Stop saying that digusting words!"
"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you"
"It won't change the amount of your love even you say it again and again"
"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you"
"Geez... Why do you still keep whispering that way? I believe I have said that saying "I love you" won't change anything!"
"It won't change the amount-It just make the love deeper"
"Stop bullshitting me"
"Why can't you tell the truth about yourself?"
"What do you mean?"
"You never confess anything about your feeling towards me"
"Why should I do that, anyway?"
"Do you love me?"
"Oh, the DAMN time! GTG now!"
"Face me, tell me even once, Misaki"
"What the-"
"Do you hate me that hard?"
"No, no, I'm never think that wa-"
"Do you dislike me, really really dislike me?"
"I, I..."
"I know from the very beginning. So you ar-"
"OK! I love you!"
"I finaly said it, right? Now let me leave!"

...(Next Day)...

"Tell me again, tell me what you said earlier~!"
"Like I wanna!"
"Uu... Please..."
Tha-dumb! Tha-dumb! Tha-dumb! *heart beating* "How can I say that embarasing word again?!"
"But I relieved..."
"You scare me that much to losing you, you know?"

"Just trust me! I won't ever leave you! Got it?!"
"Trust... you?"
"I mean... just... just... trust... me... is... it... okay for you?"

p.s. Picfiction is a joke for fanfiction. Hell yah, those characters belong to their author, not me.

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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Nico-nico Singer-Sakura no Ame Lyrics (english)

Sakura no Ame sung by Halcosy and I included the english lyrics which translated by my best friend, Ky-chan. This song is OH-WOW touching and deep... A deep meaning. Here we are!

Sakura Rain

Even if we each go to our own places, WE ARE FRIENDS
No questions needed
The day when we shone as ourselves
Stretch our chest and push our backs

The grounds filled with dirt and dust we competed on
The uniform we never wore properly
The scribbles we wrote on top of the desk
They are all our proof

The reply on white paper
Isn't enough to say it
Tears run at each memory
We've also childishly hurt each other
Have we slightly become an adult I wonder?

From the classroom window the cherry blossom rain
Gentle palm,came to my heart
The flowers we all made together
Let's release them into the sky
Don't forget, right now we are still even as a small petal
We're not alone

The love letter in the shoe box
Grumbling in the hallways in discontent
The future we drew hand by hand on the roof
They are all our proof

Although it isn't written in our graduation certificate
People learn from trusting and loving

Just like us in the blue,blue sky crossing over

From the classroom window the cherry blossom rainbow
A piece of our dream,we mounted our chest
Believing we met to separate
Let's relapse our hands
Don't forget, once more sometime making a big bouquet bloom
Let's meet here again

From thousands of schools
The miracle which returned us together
No matter how many years we age, don't change that gentle smile

From the classroom window the cherry blossom rain
Gentle palm,came to my heart
The flowers we all made together
Let's release them into the sky
Don't forget, right now we are still even as a small petal
We're not alone

Once more sometime making a big bouquet bloom
Let's meet here again


If you're interested, you may download it here. Such a nice song for graduation, right?

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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Yukichidori~Snowy Day-A Small Little Chit-chat between Aizen and Gin


"Snow". Meltin' 'n evaporatin', only ter become snow er rain again ta be smashed inta derground. Again 'n again. Evaporatin' 'n repeatin' that fer eternity...

If we take it as someone's remains, thinkin' dat ya were finally able ta get away from this world, but ya relapsed 'n, on top of it all, from now on, no matter how ya struggle, ya won't be able ta escape

Somethin' like this...

..." hell"


"After dying, becoming snow or rain, and being once again tied to this world, maybe it isn't so bad, is what I've been thinking.

For example,

"If there was a person for whom death was inevitable, instead of suddenly leaving their beloved, wouldn't you say it's better to be able to remain in the same world as them? Instead of a complete separation, for the departed it becomes a tender reality.

For me as well, if...

...I lose this body in some accident, even if I were become to snow...

or change into rain drops,

if I were just able to gently touch your face, without a doubt, that's how I'd feel."


"Well, if I say this, I'm not sure if ya'll be glad or not. But like ya said a while ago, if ya dies before me, "there's no way I'd be at peace"

With that purpose in my mind, I'll always stay close ta ya"


"Then... do you plan on becoming my shield or something?"


"Who knows? I dunno if I'll be able ta become somethin' so splendid. But is it's fer ya, I don't care if my bones won't be left. If at least some tiny part remains 'n ya pick it up, then I'll be happy.

"If it's ya, then definitly...

...even if I'm smaller than a snowflake, if I become like a grain of sand...

"...ya'll notice that it's me, won't ya?"


I didn't intend... to be loved by this guys so damn crazy...

It's just...'s just...

...that this world is one where you can, for instance, freely say,

"Even if you return once again, I won't mind."


The worst feeling is not death, it is knowing that you aren't needed, that you are alone in this world, and that you no longer have a reason to live

(Disclaimer: I have such a word from Doujinshi, tough)

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My... 'naughty' Thought

The song falls apart by a false dumb rhytem get in it. The voice slowly disappear, changed with a big boom from standing applause from the laughing audiences.

It's the end from a little singer girl who bows deeply and runs towards the door, covering her tears.

I didn't quite to hear her voice. Just one more time...

Ah! And then, not just her voice... her face when she felt suck too... I want to see it properly... and then... and then...

Her body too... her whole body... I want to see it all. I WANT it all. Every part of her, body and soul... I want to make her mine! I want to possess her!

This is... bad. This is really, really bad. I was thinking that, but... 'There's no way I could stop myself'

Truly, from the bottom of my heart...

I prayed that morning would never come

I love you when you bleeding your lips, with a metal knife in your little hand. A shaking knee runs passing the road, a crying face in your head...

I love it, I hope I can see your face like that forever. So, should I cut your wirst and place you to my bath tub, so I can have you fully as my OWN princess?

Those eyes that seem to see nothing, see all...
The heart that seems to feel nothing, feels all...


..and so kind.

So deeply...


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Monday, March 22, 2010

Shotacon-Because Now Time for Shota Fans~!

Even terms Shota usually mistransliterated as hentai/pervert things for male child underage and usually linked with yaoi, not all shota like that. Personally, I didn't agree with Tamaki Saito who said in his book that Shotacon "was originally an offshoot of yaoi, but when adopted by male readers became influenced by lolicon; shota texts by female yaoi authors are structurally identical to yaoi texts, while shota by male otaku clearly position these little boys as young girls with penises."

When I asked some of my friends those I could declare as "Shotacon-Otaku-Crazy-Maniac", they say so. Lolicon (which is the opposite genre from Shotacon) is made by male mangaka for male otaku; Shotacon's made by the female mangaka for female otaku. But, if it works for male otaku, it because they see the uke in shotacon manga is as cute as (or maybe more) from the real girl one. If you say it for his co**, it make that seems pervy. In the reality, now so many of female otaku be fan of Lolicon; and so many male otaku get addicted with Shotacon. Isn't it make all things clear that sex genre isn't matter for Otaku things like this?

Time passed, now male and female otaku have no difference.

So I'll post this article for all otaku, didn't care what kind of sex you are. (WHAT??? Three paragraphs just for a little goddamn chit-chat? xD!)

There are so many sites for downloading/reading shota manga. It's no problem, when I list manga sites above, you can find it with search thorough genre: 'Shotacon'. Or, if you wanna redirected to site which privately publish shota manga scanlation, you can open NekoShota. With a very cute index, you can begin your searching soon. I love this site very much, because even I love shota, I can't accepting a huge different between the couples. Maximum 15rs for me. You? You can choose your manga, what do you wanna read or download. Just as you please! Do you wanna try?

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Animepedia-Anime Version for Wikipedia

Animepedia which known as number one (as my thought) private site source for anime encyclopedia now has alot of shortcut (to that site) available in alot of anime-manga websites (for example as) Animelyrics. It proofs that this site have been entrusted by almost Otaku in all the world.

So, what is the main usage of this site? If you know Wikipedia, then I shouldn't explain all things clearly. Yes, Animepedia is a encyclopedia-online that will help you find many information you need about anime/manga. With easy using steps and homepage that will inform you how this site work you will get all things with no hard work. As a newcomer site, this site isn't as large as wikipedia. Even so, why don't we try to improve this site by our hands with Upload Files? Stop Copycat, create your own article here!

From Otaku, by Otaku, to Otaku~!

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Sunday, March 21, 2010

5 Best Sites Free Anime Download-Watch Those Ever Be (part 02)

6. Gendou

Requires Membership, you should register first before downloading. This site is so damn amazing if you see it clearly. You may search OST Anime you need by Anime title, that song’s title it selves or the singer who sang it. Then you just click the Song title and… TA-Daaa! Direct download for all song you need!

You may be confused by its homepage, but if you wanna download Anime soundtrack, just go to ‘Music’ menu and choose ‘Download Q’. In this site, you can found a lot anime’s lyrics in romaji or kanji, or English if you lucky! So nice, right?

Usually one time in a year, Gendou make a Song Contest called Gendou Idol. Up to this post published, it reaches ‘Gendou Idol season 5’. If you wanna hear the finalist’s voice, you can look it for in YouTube. Have fun!

7. AnimeLyrics

As you can see by its title, in this site you can find a lot of Anime Soundtrack Lyrics by its title, singer or the anime’s title. Not just for anime, you can find lyrics for Vocaloid, Games On-line and anything else! As for bleach, this site has almost ‘Bleach Beat Collections’ for each album.

This site is very good-looking and easy to understand with. Just search which song you need to its ‘Search tab’ and you find it. On top of the lyrics, you can find its video clip too. And from more less 3 months ago, the kanji view for some songs is available.

From each manga title’s, usually you can look it as a simple table. Beside the song’s title you may found four kind of symbol, ‘English flag’, ‘Japan flag’, ‘Kanji’ and ‘Video recorder’. English-Japanese flag symbols mean that the song has already translated in English; Kanji symbol means that Kanji view is available and the other one means the Video clip for its song is already there.

8. AniLinkz

One stop site for all well-known anime you wanna find~! In homepage, you can see three main side; chat box, search box and anime up-date. Then the question is… what do you want to do? If you wanna having chit-chat with the other members, do it in chat box. Or else, you want search anime, huh? In search box will help! Or if you wanna watch some newest anime, just click that anime episode’s link. Lovely!

Even you just can search it thorough anime title and episode-number, this site’s still so reliable for us. With friendly interface, when we click on that anime title link, we’ll be redirected to watching mode. If you aren’t satisfied with anime video size, you can click ‘Full view’ to watch it fully in your monitor. You also can change the sound volume as you like. And, there are shortcuts for elder or newer episode for its anime. It so easy for personal usage.

9. Anime-Sensei

Even this site have a little problem with is looking, but this is a amazing site one! With a bunch of cute gals pic, you'll be satisfied with all up-to-date anime that you can download to! Just click on its episode link and you'll be redirected to MegaUpload or the others filehosting. Besides, you can choose what filetype you need-that'll change its video size or quality.

The one I regret for this site is this site'll close download line for licensed Anime. But even so, don't we still can download the other anime we need? >w< And... Usually the closing/opening songs are available to downloaded, too.

10. AnimeTake

This site IS-SO-DAMN-AMAZING~ With up-to-date anime, without any membership required and you can download it from filehosting you like! Yeah, each anime episodes up-loaded to minimum 3 filehosting so you can choose which one you trust or which filehosting that you have been registered.

Not just it, dont'cha know~! If you usually download anything with torrent, this site is such a big help. You can use torrent directly with this site. Using this site is very amazing!

When you find what you need, click on it episode-link. I include this step because the difference between link and normal word's color almost have no difference.


You search anime and didn't find it? This blog will help you all. You can request anime you need in chatbox or post comment and Shadow-san will help you. In more less 3 weeks, usually the request will be fulfilled. Just try it!

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Saturday, March 20, 2010

5 Best Sites Free Manga Download-Read Those Ever Be (part 01)

1. Baka Updates Manga

I know this site ISN'T FOR DOWNLOADING manga, but you can search all manga you need in this site, search its scanlation and download it. For example, if you wanna download "Okane ga Nai", type the title in 'Search Box' and look down to the scanlation tab. When you found it, click that scanlation (you trust) and search the main page for it.

Download it from its own scanlation is so much easier that if you're lucky, you'll get all 'Direct Download' you need.

2. MangaFox

This site is so well-known from its manga/manhwa/manhua collection. It has almost all manga/manhwa/manhua that ever be released in Japan. This site also always up-to-date, even sometimes appear the bad rumours that this site passing a minimum-days-released from scanlation itselves.

If you wanna search some manga, you may looking it for in Advanced Search for the best results. It so reliable that you can find manga just with its Genre, Author or Type.

3. Stop Tazmo

This site is 100% free and you'll find a bunch of amazing manga with direct download! What you need to do just go to its site, open the manga series you looking for and click 'Download' link beside the manga series you choose!

It's so easy but the main problem this site is kind of late updating its manga collection and you can't search it thorough genre. So what? What we have to do is just download it~!

4. Manga Traders

Another very special site! It may be very alike with Stop Tazmo, but you can search the manga from its author and genre. This site requires membership to downloading, so you'd better register first before anything.

You not just allowed to download each chapters for manga, but also a volume one! This's Manga Traders main surplus! And, this site have 5 servers on it so you may download it up to 5 processes as long as it uploaded in different server.

5. One Manga

Need Membership? NO
Up-to-date? YES
Friendly interface? VERY

Yup, even this site not have a lot manga compared to Mangafox or the others (but now it has more than 1000 series) it has a VERY friendly looking that we can love for! It's so elegant with it black background and interface. Just click to chapter you wanna read online and... you read it!

That's all for today, comment and all review are always wellcome~! See ya in this post 2nd part!

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Hi all minna-san!

I'm new here, please take care of me. I dunno what I'll write ta this, but...

...maybe recomendation for all anime world you need?

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